Friday, January 9, 2009


I recently took my car to the shop because the check engine light was on and after travel from the Holiday's, it wasn't starting. It ended up being just an O2 sensor, which is not that big of a deal, and now the car is running great. When I went to picked the car up, the mechanic tried to explain to me what the O2 sensor does. It was confusing and I didn't get it at all. Maybe it was the speech impediment, speed of the word coming from his mouth, or that I don't know the first thing about cars. I shook my head and smiled like I followed every word. It is real easy to listen without any comprehension of what is really being said.

I am finding out how often I do the same thing with Terri when it comes to parenting. Often I can listen to her tell of the difficulty of the day and what energy it takes to follow a one and half year old around. She doesn't complain but just explains how frustrating the tantrums can be and what a chore it can be to get anything done around the house. I shake my head, give confirming noises, listen, and try to show concern. But, I don't really understand until times like today when Tripp is mine to watch all by myself. I understand right now and I value what my wife does by raising him. He is asleep, the house is quiet, and I am beat. I have to go Tripp and I have another big day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    These are the days that you will remember! Makes me think of that Alan Jackson song "Remember When". I love you guys and what a joy to watch you grow! I also love your blog!
