Monday, January 12, 2009

rewriting your life

I was reading through 2 Samuel 22 today in the message and I came upon a prayer from King David after all the victories in battle throughout his life. One line in particular stuck out me it said

"God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes"

I often think of my life as a story that God is writing out in and through me. Sometimes I feel like my story is incredible mundane especially compared to David and other people of the bible. I desire to see God do crazy things to make himself famous through me. I know that security is something I cling to and want to control so many aspects of my life but that is the kind of story that nobody would want to read or a movie anyone would watch. God has taken me so far from the person I used to be before I open the book of my heart to his eyes but I hope I am not just a more moral, kinder, and nicer person to be around. Nothing wrong with those thing but they don't inspire and compel people. I hope to become a person of risk, courage, and faith that invites people on a adventure to join with me to make God more famous. Today my story is boring so I am praying for a place to begin to write a new part of my story. Mentoring, Volunteering, Joining something new to expand my influence might be the direction I go. I really don't know what that looks like so pray for me.

How is your story? Is it worth reading about or is it safe?

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