Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What is a Kiss?

I read today that in communist textbooks defined kiss like:

"A kiss is the approach of two pairs of lips, with reciprocal transmission of microbes and carbon dioxide."

How boring, it way be true physically but it leaves out all emotion. So much more energy is in a kiss when given to my son as he watching the wiggles or to my wife after we have been separated for weeks. I can feel those kisses deep, burning with love in my heart I remember my 1st kiss with my wife at Camp Olympia. Emotions overwhelmed me. It gave me energy and desire to over come any obstacle if it would allow me to kiss make it happen again.

When life is just actions without emotion we die inside. Emotionless life can happen at work, church, or home. It is not how life is intended to be lived. I believe in a life that is given by God to be lived abundantly. If love has expired in those areas don't be passive take action. Pray outside, fast from T.V spend it with your family., read a new book, leave your job, or go to a state park to search for what you want out of life. Don't fear the unknown; fear a boring life. On your death bed you won't regret your actions but actions not taken.

When a kiss with my wife is just microbes and carbon dioxide I pity you because it should be something deeper. When following God is all about statements you believe it has escaped you; it is deeper. When life is what you do or have you are missing out; life is something deeper or I mean someone that knows you deeper than you know yourself.

Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Back

I just returned from Christmas break with the family. It was a good time with loved ones. Christmas sometimes leads to a little disappointment for me because I have so many unfulfilled holiday wishes. I am not talking about getting socks when you want an ipod type wishes. I am talking about hopes and dreams for my family. More like, that they would have great marriages, no financial problems, healthy, and be at peace with themselves and God. Sometimes leads me to question God about why He is dormant when He could provide hope they are looking for. I have prayed for them and wonder why it seems to go unanswered year after year. Socrates said "One question can be more instructive than a thousand answers" so this week I hope that is right as I am diving into searching God's word for answers. I believe God can handle my questions. I have faith God is Love and growing through doubt leads to deeper experiences of God presence. One of my favorite authors, Mark Batterson, has this line I love "Don't let what is wrong with you keep you from worshiping what is right about God". I preach this week and will bring all I learn to those who hear this Sunday. Pray for me if you are so inclined. So I hope you got all you wished for Christmas but if you didn't I hope your disappointment drives you to pursue answers not retreat to passivity. God bless and Good luck.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bad Salesmen

I love this video! Reminds me when my actions and words don't line up I look foolish. What I say about Jesus has to line up with how I live in deeds. If I talk about God holding all things together then my stress and worry should be low. If worry overtakes me, I might look like a bad salesman and poor representation of Christ. Plus, the video is just funny.

Story Time

I about half way through "The Catcher in the Rye". I started it because I wanted to see what the fuss was about and it was a couple dollars at Walmart. At the beginning the main character Holden gets kicked out of his boarding school. And the headmaster lets him know life is game and we have to play by the rules. Holden wasn't that is why he was kicked out. Is life a game? Get what you can because tomorrow we die. It sucks for those born without anything, doesn't seem like a fair start. I often play the game, get the right degree, take care of your body or make smart money decisions, and I will succeed. But what about disaster, cancer, and worldwide economic failure then good desicions don't matter as much.

God says it is more than a game; more of story we are living in. God, not as a puppetmaster controling every aspect of our lives, but more like a director taking whatever fate gives us and infusing it with life to enrich the great story. God's story has always been a story of love and redemption. The story began with Adam and Eve getting clothes so they would not be ashamed anymore of their eating mistake, continuing with Jesus death on the cross. Right up to present day where mistakes like eating disorders, acolohol, and sexual impurity can be redeemed through Jesus to change and grow new life in others dealing with those struggles.

Fredrick Buechner writes that:

"Maybe nothing is more important than that we keep track, you and I, of these stories of who we are and where we have come from and the people we have met along the way because it is precisely through these stories in all their particularity, as I have long believed and often said, that God makes himself known to each of us most powerfully and personally."

God is active in our lives if we would look for Him in every circumstance. Often we close our eyes to God and open them to other things, like Romans 1 says, exchange the truth of God for a lie, and worship and serve created things rather than the Creator. In other words, continue to treat life like a game competing with others, pursuing stuff, and trying to win.

Jesus is calling you to come and die to the game and live in the story.
Jesus desires to join our lives and take over to redeem all the past mistakes if we believe in Him. Only when you find something worth dying for do you truly live.

Jesus to you all the Glory! amen.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Grandpa and Cheese Popcorn

Today I was given a popcorn tin from one of the guys at work. I love them but I seem to eat the cheese popcorn first then move on. I think most people would go to the caramel popcorn first but not me because I have eaten it the same way since I was a little kid. It's weird but eating popcorn brought me back to memories of my Grandpa. We lived next door to my Grandpa and Grandma all my life. I always will love Grandma but as a boy I looked up to my Grandpa so much. He always rooted for us in sports, school, and all areas of life. I don't remember ever feeling like I wasn't good enough to be loved by him. He just loved sitting with my brothers and I on the porch swing drinking tea, teaching us about how life works, or taking us to the farm to feed cattle. He believed the best and hoped the world would bring us all our desires. I loved and still love him even through he died years ago. Tears never stop coming! We all need people in our lives we sit with and are accepted and loved as we are. That our actions or accomplishments don't change the conditions of their love. (I have blue coat on)

I am so thankful that Tripp has a Grandpa that loves him and will be there for him. I just hope my Dad will get the chance to be what his dad was for me. I see in my Dad the desire and drive to be involved to influence his Grandkids. He has to be involved because my Dad is a man of integrity and continued loving my Mom when times have been rough. He gets to show Tripp that love lasts and hangs with people no matter their actions or accomplishments. Love you Dad

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why I Blog

What are my motives in blogging? I don't think I have all the answers so why do I share them?

At its best it would be to rally a group with the same ideas on family, life, truth, joy, justice, hope, and love to storm the gates of Hell with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I realize that my writing skills are not great so I hope that writing will improve them. Right now I just want to start document my thoughts on God so I can remember where I came from and where I am going. I want to open my life up to those people I care about so we can stay connected even while far apart in distance. I want my wife to read it so we can discuss ideas and develop our marriage into what it was intended to be. It is not that I don't talk to my wife but often I can be a space cadet when it comes to what I did all day. So if I write it in a blog my wife sees it we talk through it. Writing clarifies my thoughts that is why I journal my prayers to Jesus when I can. I attached a few people I think of when I share my thoughts on life.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Muffled Alarm Clocks

Last night I had one of those night where I went to sleep but then woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I think the reason could have been all the thoughts running through my head from work, Christmas plans, hope for my family and my current relationship with Jesus. It was like millions of quick thoughts everywhere and only a few got funneled down so that could I focus on them more than a few seconds. It seems that going back to sleep gets all those thoughts stuck in your brain because I couldn't remember anything except for one thought.

This thought is memorable because as I was laying there rolling back and forth to go to sleep I started to hear an alarm going off. It wasn't loud but sounded like it was being muffled by a pillow that we probably put on it one morning. This alarm has been going off for weeks, if not more, and Terri and I have slept through it each and every night. It is like we are currently numb to it. In that moment God used it to explain some of the frustration I have in being called to pastor. I love what I do but I am required to talk a lot. I see speaking about God as an honor and really get fired up about each opportunity. At times I feel like my alarm clock it has been heard so many times by the same people that they get numb and sleep right through it. I feel like God wants me to share about real faith not a rule keeping religion. The message is often is muffled by hurts, fears, pressure from parents, and friends. I think the pillow quieting the alarm in our hearts I see the most is people trying to earn God's grace by acting right, speaking right, not doing the things they shouldn't. Yet is all activity they are missing Jesus because they must maintain juggling all they good things they feel they have to do. Jesus is not impressed if you don't cuss, steal, and are kind and nice. We often forget cleaning the outside is easy but inside our heart is broken beyond repair. Whenever you feel called to be a spiritual alarm clock it is frustrating beyond what words can express for certain influences to detract from the clarity especially holy activities and Christian bubbles. I pray daily that God would anoint me with supernatural wisdom and leadership that comes through the Holy Spirit to enlighten (Eph 1:18) our sinful hearts and move people to a deeper gratefulness for the Cross of Christ.

I rest on this, God makes spiritual hearts grow not me. What a relief! (1 Corinth 3:6)

God my hope is in Your mercy.

Now off to locate the alarm!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It Goes On

My Google homepage runs new quotes each time. Tonight this one came up:
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
Robert Frost
US poet (1874 - 1963)
What does that mean? Does it? For some it goes on but what about that 3 year old Georgia girl who's mom is accused of murdering her. Watch the show the First 48 and see the pointless murders in the inner cities of America life ends often for stupid reasons. So life doesn't go on for some people. Maybe that is why Mr. Frost said it goes on, not life goes on. I really believe some people live physically but are dead on the inside. That is why we in America are one of the most medicated Nation in the world but by most western standards are no more healthy than anyone else. I recently read that quote or it was in a movie: All men die, few men really live. We only live when we find something worth dying for. If you don't believe that check out this website Iamsecond.com

Friday, December 12, 2008

Great Day

Loved the day off! We had a full day of family time. We all went to the park, skipping rocks, shopped, and just got back from looking a Christmas lights with Tripp. He is in love with the lights but really likes the blow up things. He doesn't like The Grinch because our neighbors have a huge inflated one and it freaks him out. We have to look at our neighbors because we have no decorations outside of our house. In the middle of it all I got a two hour nap in my closet. The closet is dark, our room has to many windows, and the closet is big enough I can stretch out.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday and Snow Patrol

I love Thursday's like Friday to the rest of the non church world. Lately, I've been crazy about the song "Open your Eyes" by Snow Patrol it like an anthem for me right now. Pretty sure they didn't write it about God but I wish some family and friends could see that this is Jesus's desire for them to have open eyes to His love. Love much greater than the singer has for whatever. The lines below I picture Jesus saying it to me and those I care about.

Tell me that you'll open your eyes
Tell me that you'll open your eyes
Tell me that you'll open your eyes
Tell me that you'll open your eyes

Get up, get out, get away from these liars
'Cause they don't get your soul or your fire
Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine
And we'll walk from this dark room for the last time

I love this video also just like us to rush through life caring more about the destination than the journey. I don't want to miss God along the way


Earth's crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Family

I was reading today through a book called "Epic" by John Eldredge just to get myself focused on the Christmas Season. I stumbled on these lines which focused my resolve to fight for Terri's heart:

"It came as a great surprise to me as a counselor when I first discovered that children would much rather know that their parents loved each other than they loved them. But, of course, we need to know that love is real, that it endures, that a world of love is planned for us and waits for us, and that we can count on it."

I love Tripp and loving him at this point is easy but to fully love him well is to care and dedicate myself to get the selfishness out of my relationship with Terri. She is the one who knows me better than anyone is this world and unbelievably still loves me at the same time she pushes and inspires me to become the man I really want to be. Epic goes on to point out that my God models that for us in Jesus

"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. (John 17:24)"

I want Tripp to see the beauty of the relationship between his parents and believe that love is real in and through Jesus Christ.


Today I got a test to finish up my Gospels and the Life of Christ class. I loved the class but love being done as well. I also just finished up a project talking about something new I learned through the class and I focused on the rivalry between John and Peter. Jesus is questioned about paying taxes and He covers Peter's tax but nobody else. John and his brother James get have their mom asks Jesus about sitting at his right and left in the Kingdom and Peter and the other are upset. After Peter told how me would be a martyr after the denial he immediately wants to know John fate. The one I love the most is at the beginning of John 20 when John has to mention that he could win a foot race as well. In case you miss it John mentions it again in verse 8.

It may not have been that great of a rivalry but I know competition in minstry is something today that can get us of track. Looking at other churches size, budget, theology, or pastor's gifting. I don't know if it is because leaders tend to thrive on competition but know in 1 Corinth. 1 it makes clear we are to be unity around the Gospel.

I am guilty! I just pray that God would humble me and make clear some partnerships that our ministry needs to get involoved in.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Physically Tired & Spiritually Motivated

The retreat was great spending some time building friendships with the students also, I got tackled perfectly in a game of king of the hill on something called a jumping pillow. Landing on my face right in the dirt luckily I didn't get hurt. I think it was the most entertaining thing of my wife's weekend judging by her laughter when I raised up with sand stuck to my face. Yes, Terri got to go with us it's so great to have her ministering along side me so has a great feel for what needs to happen and when. She is strong in so many areas I am weak but is great at suggesting things without being condemning. Sleeping was not something of a high priority so I need to catch up soon. I know God did some work on the students hearts but it wasn't how I pictured in happening. One student commented that "My quiet time with God on Sunday was great and I accomplished something with God I always wanted to". So a good retreat and hope for the seeds planted to take root and I know hope in Jesus doesn't disappoint!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Youth Retreat

We are leaving today with the High School group to Sky Ranch. In a book called "Wild Goose Chase" by Mark Batterson he made a point that has stuck with me about breaking our normal activities of life and he put it like this: Change of Pace + Change of Place = A Change of Perspective. That is my hope for this group that we would get away to renew and rediscover God's perspective of us I believe we are missing the wonder of who Jesus is and what Jesus has done for us. I am using this video to intro the topic of being amazing by Jesus.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Why the Name?

From a prayer by St Thomas Aquinas

"Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator,
true source of light and fountain of wisdom!
Pour forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect,
dissipate the darkness which covers me,
that of sin and of ignorance.
Grant me a penetrating mind to understand,
a retentive memory,
method and ease in learning,
the lucidity to comprehend,
and abundant grace in expressing myself.
Guide the beginning of my work,
direct its progress,
and bring it to successful completion.
This I ask through Jesus Christ,
true God and true man,
living and reigning with You
and the Father, forever and ever.

I am just journeying to comprehend what God has done and will do in my life. This blog is sharing all that Jesus is teaching on my journey through life.