Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why I Blog

What are my motives in blogging? I don't think I have all the answers so why do I share them?

At its best it would be to rally a group with the same ideas on family, life, truth, joy, justice, hope, and love to storm the gates of Hell with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I realize that my writing skills are not great so I hope that writing will improve them. Right now I just want to start document my thoughts on God so I can remember where I came from and where I am going. I want to open my life up to those people I care about so we can stay connected even while far apart in distance. I want my wife to read it so we can discuss ideas and develop our marriage into what it was intended to be. It is not that I don't talk to my wife but often I can be a space cadet when it comes to what I did all day. So if I write it in a blog my wife sees it we talk through it. Writing clarifies my thoughts that is why I journal my prayers to Jesus when I can. I attached a few people I think of when I share my thoughts on life.


  1. Zac,
    Thank you for sharing this with me!

  2. Zac
    Thanks for giving us a way keep up with your life.

  3. Zac,
    Thanks for putting a horrible picture up of me. I am not crazy! Love, your very pretty, sane and
    humble wife.

    I love what you are doing!
