Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thin Places

Tripp is at that age where he doesn't want me to go to work. He cries, I hate it for him, and I love it for me. Feels great when I get to spend time with the family over the weekend. We went to the Zoo yesterday in Waco. It was perfect and Tripp wore himself out running. I really think He was the most excited to see the size of the Giraffes. He feel asleep quickly in the car on the way home. So we know it was a successful trip. Feels like so much of life is full of moments I wish we could bottle up to be opened up during the tough days. I would have bottled yesterday. Mark Batterson's book "Wild Goose Chase" he tells of the Celtic Christians had a name for places where heaven and earth seem to touch. They called them "thin places." My affections for God yesterday at the Zoo exceeded many worship services I attend. Seems like the world is full of bailouts, unemployment, and wars but praise God for giving family and experiences that is like a refuge from all troubles. I believe God gives "thin moments" all the time we just miss them in our own selfishness.


  1. i felt like that a couple days ago - the weather was nice, brink and i played outside most of the day, running, flying kites, etc. i like that thought, "thin moments." God really is good to us, and so often we don't notice.


  2. God is good. I hope one day soon we will experience those things with you.
