Monday, February 2, 2009


I watched the super bowl last night and was rooting for the Cardinals. Terri and I were both impressed with the way the Steelers coach, Mike Tomlin, carried himself. He looked so calm and confident. When I heard him speak after the game I just loved the way he approached the victory with such humility. Today, just looking through coverage of the game, I ran into this opinion piece Mike did for USA Today about the influence of his father. I loved it because I constantly seek motivation for being a husband and father. Here are my favorite lines:

I had big dreams when I was a child. But without my dad, those dreams might not have come true. He brought stability to my life. He made my world a safe place in which to think and to learn. And though not every boy may aspire to become a football coach,
every father can aspire to become the dad of his child's dreams. But to make that a reality, fathers must choose daily to work toward that goal.
Mike Tomlin, Steelers Coach

My goal is that Tripp knows I love his mom. I want him to know I enjoy him and love him unconditionally. I want my faith to inspire him and not convert him by coercion. I hope to equip him with everything I know to help him become all God intends for him to be.

You can and should read the whole article here

1 comment:

  1. i'm continually amazed by your insight. i would have read that article and thought, "nice," and forgotten, but that quote is so powerful, and i would've missed it had you not emphasized it. i really love reading your blog.

